If your frustrated by Boulder County and their inability to maintain subdivision roads the Info4Subdivisions website is a great place to bring yourself up to speed and hopefully turn your anger and frustration into a constructive force.

Some damning information from this letter to the editor in the Boulder Daily Camera. Here’s critical data from the letter…

From a budget perspective over the past decade, Boulder County`s Road Fund has been reduced by 59 percent, diminishing from $2.6 million in 2000 to $1.1 million in 2010. However, social services expenditures have increased by over 200 percent during this same period, skyrocketing from $5.2 million in 2000 to over $16.4 million in 2010 and now stands at more than three times the level of expense that was allocated in 2000. (Overall, property tax revenue to the county has nearly doubled since 2000.) If the same proportion of the budget were allocated to roads in 2010 as was allocated in 2000 the total Road Fund would be $4.9 million this year.

Which concludes as follows…

Currently, there are few checks and balances at the county level, other than citizens saying enough is enough. I encourage everyone who is concerned about government`s fiscal discipline to contact our County Commissioners about this issue at 303-441-3500.

If not fiscal discipline there is certainly a priority issue here.

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