$500 billion in cuts


A real discussion about the budget must begin now—our economy cannot wait any longer. For 19 months, unemployment has hovered over 9%. After a nearly $1 trillion government stimulus and $2 trillion in Federal Reserve stimulus, the Washington establishment still believes that we can solve this problem with more federal spending and the printing of more money.

And Erika Stutzman at the Daily Camera should like the call for reducing agricultural subsidies…

Cuts to the Departments of Agriculture and Transportation would create over $42 billion in savings each

Of course this particular cut wouldn’t be good for Boulder…

The Commerce Department is another prime example. Consistently labeled for elimination, specifically by House Republicans during the 1990s, one of Commerce’s main functions is delivering corporate welfare to American firms that can compete without it. My proposal would scale back the Commerce Department’s spending by 54% and eliminate corporate welfare.

Based on my experience with education, not to mention our history of test scores I’m all for abolishing the Department of Education.

Removing education from the federal government’s jurisdiction would create almost $80 billion in savings alone.

And specifically for the peacenik Boulderites, Rand Paul wants to significantly cut defense expenditures…

My proposal would also cut wasteful spending in the Defense Department. Since 2001, our annual defense budget has increased nearly 120%. Even subtracting the costs of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, spending is up 67%. These levels of spending are unjustifiable and unsustainable. Defense Secretary Robert Gates understands this and has called for spending cuts, saying “We must come to realize that not every defense program is necessary, not every defense dollar is sacred or well-spent, and more of everything is simply not sustainable.”

Consider the defense cuts a trade off to allow downsizing the Dept of Commerce.

On the other side of the aisle we have Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who appears to be against almost all budget cuts, calling $32 billion in cuts “unworkable”.

But he called a proposal by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) to cut this year’s federal budget by $32 billion “unworkable…The chairman of the Budget Committee today, today sent us something even more draconian than we originally anticipated,” said Reid…

It’s very very obvious that the Democrat’s didn’t “get the message” from the 2010 elections.  Tone deafness doesn’t begin to describe it.  Stoopidity does.

This entry was posted in Boulder is stoopid, budget, debt, idiocy, you can't make this stuff up. Bookmark the permalink.

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