Someone tell Jared Polis – Commentary: U.S. Liberals Shouldn’t Copy Britain’s Dying NHS | Fortune
The NHS is collapsing. Patients routinely face treatment delays, overcrowded hospitals, and doctor shortages. Even its most ardent defenders admit that the NHS is in crisis.
Yet American progressives want to import this disastrous model. About one in three Democratic senators and more than half of Democratic representativessupport single-payer health care.
Why? The British experiment with socialized medicine has been a monumental failure. It would be foolish to repeat that mistake here.
Single-payer is fundamentally flawed. It relieves consumers of any obligation to pay for their care, at least directly. If the price of care is zero, then every patient can demand an infinite amount. The supply of care, meanwhile, is limited. And the amount of money the government can spend on health care is finite.
But Colorado can do it better. Not sure why, but either Jared Polis knows something we don’t know or he’s a liar.