Grant Cardone – Self-made millionaire: Universal basic income is unconstitutional
Nothing is free, except maybe oxygen. What does freedom mean? “The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action; liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another; independence; the quality or state of being exempt or released from something onerous.”
Are you really free if you’re dependent upon government assistance? We live in an eat-what-you-kill economy. If you can’t kill it, you won’t eat. Even if you take from the government, it won’t be enough.
What does “basic income” get you? A basic life. Is that what you want?
If anyone wants to give you free cash, no questions asked, get suspicious. Universal basic income is a step to becoming a slave of the federal government. The Constitution of the U.S. talks about “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” I want my freedom.
My animal spirits agree with Grant Cardone. However, I would like to read what Charles Murray has written on universal or basic income. From his WSJ column last year, which is behind the paywall, the teaser headline is:
Replacing the welfare state with an annual grant is the best way to cope with a radically changing U.S. jobs market—and to revitalize America’s civic culture
No doubt, Mr. Murray is a much deeper thinker than Mr Cardone. That said, color me skeptical but I do want to investigate his thoughts before developing my final opinion.