The Bill Cosby star is still there, because in Hollywood’s moral universe, convicted rapists are preferable to Republicans.
— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) August 7, 2018
“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
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Well, hell, look at what they did with Harvey Weinstein. There were Democrats who knew for decades what he was up to, and embraced him anyway. Code Pink gave aid to Al Qaeda while we were fighting them in Anbar Province in Iraq–under the Bush Administration. Anything is preferable to Republicans. They think Republicans condone rape, burglary, and murder, because they support the police, go to war, and support free markets/trade.
As Evan Sayet said, the phrase “One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter,” in the context in which they said it, means they can’t tell the difference between freedom and having one’s head hacked off.
Weinstein must have a Walk of Fame star as well? Pretty soon it will be at least 2 convicts with stars and Donald’s star will not doubt be gone. That said, IMHO, that’s how you get more Trump.
The stereotypes of Republican’s that I hear from my liberal “friends” that I even engage in political discussions is most troubling. Where did they develop it? From the news. Of course, there’s enough of an element of truth that if there’s no intellectual curiosity about what the truth is, it can be accepted at face value. And the stereotype is built one brick at a time and is totally accepted.
And usually there’s an element that attracts a particular person to embrace it fully. As an example, one of my more liberal friends has an extraordinary dislike of religion. For that reason he has an extraordinary dislike for the Republican party. But for some strange reason, he doesn’t find the Democrat’s Church of Global Warming the least bit troubling. Oh well, I’m rambling and not making a coherent thought.
I once had my stereotypes of Republicans/conservatives when I was on the Left. I changed my mind once I had the opportunity to talk to many of them at length in college, of all places. I happened to go to CO. State U, which had a largely conservative student body in the late ’80s.
Before that, I saw Republicans as conservative Christians, but I never saw them the way the Left sees them now as “dumb redneck hicks.” Instead, I was suspicious of them, because of the scandals with some evangelical leaders of the time. Mostly I saw them as fiscally irresponsible (due to the rise in federal debt under Reagan), and greedy money-grubbers, only concerned with the profits of the executives at big businesses. I kind of saw them as war mongers, itching for a fight, but only because of Reagan’s military build up. I was glad to see him reach nuclear agreements with Gorbachev, and I was glad to see the fall of the Soviet Union.
Re. global warming
I know what you’re talking about re. it being a religion. A blind spot the Left has is they don’t have an anthropological understanding of religion. The popular leftist view is “religion” is Christianity, and its opposite is atheism (which also has some trappings of a religion). This leads to their bizarre notion that Islam is a “race.” They don’t include it in their notion of “religion.” What makes their blind spot harder for them to detect is that accredited scientists come out and reinforce it. These scientists are their priesthood.
I’ve tried talking to leftists about critically examining what scientists say, and I always get the same thing from them: “I don’t need to do that. They’re the experts, we’re not. They’ve already done the critical examination of the evidence, and hashed out the disagreements.” They ignore it when I and others point out that Carl Sagan said that ordinary people can understand science, and should receive claims to knowledge skeptically, and that Richard Feynman said, “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” I even found an article with someone arguing against Feynman, “Of course science isn’t the belief in the ignorance of experts. Science is how people find out how to build all the wonderful technology we have. If the people at Apple were ignorant, they wouldn’t be able to build my iPhone.” (SMH, sigh…)