News the Boulder elite are unable to comprehend – Which Energy Sources Are Actually Sustainable | Power Line
During the harsh storm of December 27, 2017, to January 8, 2018, called the Bomb Cyclone, the PJM Interconnection almost failed. John Constable of the Global Warming Policy Foundation discusses an important study of this near failure, and the near failure of other ISOs in the Northeast and Midwest. Failure was prevented by coal-fired power plants increasing electrical generation by 63%, natural gas plants by 20%, nuclear by 5.3% and seldom used oil by 26% over planned generation. These forms of electrical generation are condemned by the environmental industry.
Generation from highly praised and highly subsidized wind and solar fell by 12%. So-called sustainable energy cannot be sustained in bad weather. (emphasis added)
But in 12 years, Boulder will (supposedly) be 100% green energy and where’s the backup going to come from? Assuming Boulder municipalizes, I’m sure their backup will be Xcel. But with Xcel going green as fast as they can, who is their backup? One things for sure, we won’t have 1st world energy reliability, or the definition will change. That’s something our local governments are great at doing, changing long held definitions in the name of “progress.”
Won’t it be great, not only will you pay more for less reliable electricity. The powers that be will be telling you that the grid is just as reliable as it was back in the “good old days.”