David Crosby on Trump, New Songs and a Possible CSNY Reunion | Hollywood Reporter
The interview starts out asking Crosby about a song he wrote for the move Little Pink House which is about the Kelo decision. Interestingly enough, I 100% support Crosby regarding the Kelo decision. Using eminent domain for the advantage of private business is a disgrace. And he is right that Trump has used Eminent Domain in just that way, but so has the New York Times. However, let’s look at how the Supreme Court voted:
John Paul Stephens, Anthony Kennedy, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer
Kennedy is considered a swing voter with the other affirming justices considered liberal.
Sandra Day O’Conner, Chief Justince William Rehnquist, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas
So the decision is not a one done by an evil conservative court.
So at best the Kelo case is a strawman for Crosby to express his displeasure for Trump. And he is displeased…
He has used it. What a wretched person. The worst kind of landlord; and a racist. He’s done a lot of really bad stuff.
CSN&Y was my favorite band group in high school and I kept up with their music for quite some time. In my “Friday” post from last week, which will become a regular feature, I even featured 2 songs by CS&N/CSN&Y.
Would I see a reunion tour, not a chance. If they re-unite will it be a rip-roaring success? I feel certain it will. They will be a focal point for all the liberal/progressive anger, just like our late night entertainers, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, etc.
All I gotta say is: “This is how you get more Trump.”