Men, don’t let them turn you into Pajama boy : Duke’s ‘Men’s Project’ Seeks To ‘Destabilize Masculine Privilege’
She added, “Now in its third year, the project has hosted numerous events dedicated to helping men ‘begin the work of unlearning violence.’ Last semester alone, the project hosted six public events on campus, including one arguing that ‘all men’ promote rape culture.”
No wonder Men are going on strike. Who wants to put up with this presumption of guilt especially when the proposed solution is to become pussified.
And then there’s Dr Helen Smith’s column, Men who Do Too Much. She writes (she’s the author of the book Men on Strike as well)…
Why? Every day in the media and in our culture, we hear about the needs of women; from the “You go girl” mantra to the #MeToo hashtags that label every man a suspect, the meme is “women’s needs are all that matter.” Men, not so much — and heterosexual men? Their feelings and desires not only don’t matter, they are held in downright contempt, and possibly subject to jail time, whether the man is guilty or not.
Not a great time to be a a straight male.