If you don’t behave the arrogant progressive establishment will beat you down. Prominent Conservative Artists Blacklisted Because of Involvement with Alt*Hero Comics Series | Lifestyle

Timothy Lim paid the price for not being politically correct i choosing who he freelanced for…

Timothy Lim, a talented freelance professional illustrator and cover artist, has been fired from Mount Olympus Comics because he took a job to create the cover for the subversive right-wing comic series Alt★Hero. After Alt★Hero creator Vox Day announced Lim’s contribution publicly, Lim received this message from his current employer.


Asked if Lim had ever been attacked by conservatives for drawing Bernie-themed covers, he laughed. “In seven years, not once has a conservative contacted me to shame me for my work or blacklist me for the clients that I had.” (emphasis added) Lim’s major work includes Star Wars Adventures, Back to the Future, Street Fighter X G.I. Joe, TMNT and much more. He worked for seven years as a merchandising artist with properties that included Marvel, Lucasfilm, Valve, and Nickelodeon.

PJ Media reached out to Vox Day for his opinion of Lim’s blacklisting from Mount Olympus. “The fact that a comics publisher, of any political stripe, would refuse to utilize the work of an accomplished illustrator like Timothy Lim simply because he worked with someone else they don’t like is absurd, but more importantly, it is proof that they are less interested in producing quality content than they are in pursuing approval from social justice warriors.”

The holier than thou attitudes of the progressive elites really sickens me. Does he do good work? Can he do the job? Can he interact successfully with those required to successfully complete the job?

None of that matters if you’re a conservative illustrator freelancing for a SJW comic book and you also dare to do some work for “the other side.” Note, we’re not talking about stealing plots or trade secrets here.

But if the reverse occurs,the conservative employer is mainly worried about the key questions:

Does he do good work? Can he do the job? Can he interact successfully with those required to successfully finish the job?

In addition, where the liberal/progressive is working in a conservative environment, they will take it upon themselves to make sure everyone they are working with understands they are a liberal/progressive/SJW. They enjoy the opportunity to create disruption. No effort to fit in while they do their job. More it’s an effort to broadcast as far and wide as they can get away with what they view as their “superior” attitude. They may do a great job, but rest assured their SJW arrogant attitude will be known by all.

Does the reverse happen, sure, But I’ve seen it much more frequently when an the worker is an actual employee vs. a freelance artist. In the freelance and consulting words, if you’re a conservative, you lay low in almost all but the most “safe” situations. Coming out of the closet is hazardous to your employability. Just ask Timothy Lim.

Oh, and this is how you get more Trump. We’re taking notes and we vote.

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