Stephen Curry wants to have it both ways | Power Line
Paul Mirengoff at Powerline concludes…
Meanwhile, I can only laugh at this headline from the Washington Post: “Trump turns sports into a political battleground with comments on NFL and Stephen Curry.” Even if one thinks, as I do, that Trump should abstain from talk that mixes politics with sports, it couldn’t be more obvious that athletes like Colin Kaepernick and Stephen Curry are the ones who turned sports into a political battleground. (emphasis added)
I respect their right to do so. But please, let’s not pretend that Trump is responsible for the politicization of sports. That’s the work of deep political thinkers like Kaepernick, Curry, etc., egged on by ESPN and left-wing sports commentators.
Which is why NFL football has started to leave a bitter taste in my mouth. It will be interesting to see how game attendance and viewership numbers change throughout the season.