Manafort, it ought to be noted, had an apartment inside Trump Tower at that time, so it is virtually certain that surveillance of him would have included other members of the Trump campaign staff, maybe even Trump himself. In other words, it looks like Trump’s tweet may have been right. So why did three top members of Congress from both parties, and the country’s top law enforcement officers all assure us that the surveillance didn’t happen? That there wasn’t a shred of evidence to suggest it had happened? Were they lying or did they simply not know?
Neither answer is comforting.
Either the intelligence agency has gone rogue, pursuing its own goals without meaningful oversight from elected officials, or, our elected officials are colluding with each other to lie to the public, apparently for political reasons.
(all emphasis added)
Somebodies need to pay. Lying or being willfully ignorant should come back to haunt all these crooks.
Ann Althouse quotes from none other than Rush Limbaugh – “This is much worse than a thrid-rate burglary taht went awry.”
“Trump was called a liar. He was mocked for tweeting about Trump Tower being wiretapped. David Gergen, you’ll hear on the sound bites today, practically chokes when confronted with the news that Trump was right and doesn’t quite know what to say about it. But, I tell you what, folks, in many ways it’s worse than Watergate, and it’s still going on even with Trump in the White House. Richard Nixon was accused of spying on the DNC, but Nixon never ordered any such spying. In fact, he didn’t know anything about it. He was accused of using the IRS against his political opponents, but he never did. We know for a fact that Obama did both of these things, used the IRS against political opponents and probably more. There’s no outrage in the media on this. They think it’s great that Manafort’s lock was picked. The New York Times reports this as though it’s something that happens every day. Yep, the FBI showed up, they picked the lock of Manafort’s front door in Virginia and walked in and woke him up along with his family and then started demanding things and taking things….”
To give credit where credit is due. no original thinking on my part. Big h/t to both Stephen Green and Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.
Something really really stinks here. Manafort is certainly not dressed in white, but there is corruption and government thuggery all over the place. The no outrage from the media is the least surprising of all of this. If outrage does surface where the general public understands, which I’m somewhat skeptical of considering the polarized state of affairs in our nation, the main stream media may never recover. Now that, would be OK with me.