Note to Democrats/Progressives, this is how you get MORE TRUMP – Democratic Party Smears Neil Gorsuch As a Bigot | Power Line John Hinderaker at Powerline opens with…
I am not easily shocked these days, but an email sent by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee an hour and a half ago shocked me. First the email, then my comments on it. Click to enlarge: The Supreme Court is not currently in session and issuing opinions, so I was puzzled as to what the Democratic Party was talking about. After a little poking around, I found that the Court
After exploring the letter and what actually occurred (click on the link) Hinderaker continues…
That’s it. The Democrats’ claims in their email are simply insane. The Court obviously did not “give racial gerrymandering the green light,” or “allow racial gerrymandering in Texas,” or “destroy our right to vote,” or “rule that racially gerrymandered districts in Texas were constitutional,” or issue a “blatant endorsement of voter suppression,” or make a “disgusting attack on our voting rights.” Nor does this plain vanilla order, which preserves the status quo until an appeal can be heard on the merits, mean that “We need laws that protect voting rights from bigots like Trump and Gorsuch.”
and he concludes…
It has been a long time since I have been a fan of the Democratic Party. But the hate speech to which the Democrats–not a few renegade party members, but the Democratic Party itself–now resort, is utterly beyond the pale. The leaders of the Democratic Party must understand that the wild charges they fling against people like Neil Gorsuch are not just false, but crazy. But they don’t care: power is their sole object. (emphasis added)
We are living through a sad epoch in the history of our republic.
Keep it up Democrats, and I’ll repeat myself, THIS IS HOW YOU GET MORE TRUMP.
I”m glad I took time out of my day to go see Neil Gorsuch and family in the Niwot July 4th parade. He’s a class act, trying to tear him down spreading lies will work against the Democrats.