Wonder how long it will be until a government agency (or front for one) asks, no demands, their customer list? America’s Last Confederate Flag Manufacturer Says Sales Are Through the Roof | MRCTV

The last known Confederate flag manufacturer in the country claims to have seen a surge in sales as a result of the violence in Charlottesville and the push to remove Confederate monuments.

AL.com reports Alabama Flag & Banner owner Belinda Kennedy received more than 100 orders for Confederate flags in a single day after the Charlottesville rally. The surge appears to have no end in sight, as Kennedy claims to still be receiving orders “day and night.” The store has typically sold between 600-800 Confederate flags per year since 2015.

“Everybody’s got a different reason (for buying),” Kennedy told AL.com. “By and large, I think people are afraid they may not be able to get it one day.”

Wow. I think it means these issues aren’t going away. Politicians taking action in haste are sewing the seeds for future demonstrations.

Goodness Boulderites, no don’t jump to any conclusions. For the time being, it’s still (mostly) a free country and it’s not illegal to offer for sale or purchase a confederate flag.

I’m not sure of a category for posts on the whole category. Gonna have to think about this one for awhile.

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