And the DUMBER THAN A BOX OF ROCKS award goes to –ESPN, the worldwide leader in liberal idiocy | Power Line

ESPN likes to promote its “Thirty for Thirty” sports documentaries by saying “what if I told you. . .?” So let me ask, “what if I told you that ESPN decided to pull an Asian-American announcer from calling a University of Virginia football game because his name is Robert Lee?”

ESPN goes on to say

It’s a shame that this is even a topic of conversation and we regret that who calls play by play for a football game has become an issue.

You stoopid idiots, it’s a shame that you let someones name alter your decision on what game he (or she or whatever gender pronoun you care to use) should be broadcasting. Did every ESPN management employee go to an Ivy League school? I’m hard pressed to come up with any other justification for how you could be so stupid. Perhaps someone put ‘stupid pills’ in the ESPN water supply. Here are two words of advice:


A picture (and more reporting ESPN’s stupidity) of Robert Lee. The comments are worth a read too.

ESPN’s slow spiral down just started going faster. Somehow I don’t think the spiral stops at the ground floor. Don’t forget who owns ESPN, that would be Disney.

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