Shocked face – Bret Stephens Is Surprised When The Mob He Fed Turned On Him
The New York Times ran Bret Stephens’s first column, and it sent the climate mob on a virtual stampede to the Times’ headquarters with torches ablaze.
So Brett Stephens is either too smart for his own good or dumber than a box of rocks. I’m guessing the former, although I wouldn’t put a lot of money on it.
Stephens is not a sympathetic figure. But to his credit, by unleashing the demagogic fury of the climate mob (which undoubtedly voted for the same candidate he did), Stephens has exposed their utter totalitarianism on the subject. No debate or dissent is allowed, regardless of how mild or banal it might be. The science is not just settled. It is an orthodoxy not to be questioned or challenged, even by an anti-Trump soulmate.
That climate mob is So Boulder.