No kidding – 54% Think Democrats Should Run A Fresh Face in 2016 – Rasmussen Reports™. The same goes for Republicans by the way.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of Democrats have a favorable opinion of Clinton. Predictably, 80% of GOP voters view her unfavorably, and 70% think Democrats should look for a fresh face next year.
Perhaps of greater concern to Democrats is the finding that 56% of voters not affiliated with either major party also view Clinton unfavorably, including 34% with a Very Unfavorable opinion. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of these voters think the Democratic Party should find someone new to run in 2016.
The older the voter, the more likely he or she is to have an unfavorable opinion of Clinton.
Back to the Republican’s, I don’t consider Jeb Bush a fresh face. Perhaps it’s not fair to him, but this is the United States, we don’t need a dynasty.
That said, one thing the Republican’s have in great supply is fresh faces. The Democrats… not so much.