“That’s a lot of job loss, a lot of new people with a new wage of ZERO.”

A socialists dream, making more people dependent on government – SEATTLE’S MINIMUM WAGE CRASH: $15 to ZERO! Profits Tumble!. Coming soon to Boulder!

Seattle, Washington, one of the strongest remaining bastions of liberal philosophy left in the country, passed a phased-in $15 minimum wage law earlier this year. The highest minimum wage in the country. The vote was unanimous and the throng outside cheered, but for many this is a loss from which they will never recover. It is a blow to the profitability of businesses that they just can’t take.

According to the National Review Hotline, Kathrina Tugadi owner of Seattle’s El Norte Lounge, no longer hires musicians for her restaurant, she said she can’t justify expenses that don’t directly “add to the bottom line.” And, she says, hours will have to be cut: El Norte Lounge plans to stop serving lunch and only serve dinner.

“I am concerned about my business and others in the community, but it isn’t just about any one business. It’s about how the entire economic community,” she said. El Norte may be unable to remain open once the ordinance is fully in effect, she said. Even Pagliacci Pizza, a Seattle-area pizza chain, is considering moving its call center and some of its production facilities outside the city. That’s a lot of job loss, a lot of new people with a new wage of ZERO. (emphasis added)

Socialist Council-member Kshama Sawant was the main proponent of the $15 ordinance. She and her supporters denied that the policy change would hurt businesses in the city. In one interview, Sawant said there need be “no unintended consequences.”

No unintended consequences? A dream world only a socialist could live in. Of course, the consequence is more people dependent on government handouts, not an issue for the likes of Kshama Savant or members of Boulder City Council.

“No Unintended Consequences?” Who is she kidding? There are always consequences. In this case the consequences are the businesses that are downsizing, closing and failing, jobs that are lost, and most of all, people whose new hourly wage is ZERO. No unintended intended consequences? Are our politicians really that . . . stupid? Yes, I said it, Stupid. Do they really think taxes are irrelevant, businesses are omnipotent and that they can be drained in the name of politics without “any intended consequences?”

Yes they do. I suggest you read the whole thing, Here’s the conclusion…

Seattle is the first city in the country to pass a $15 minimum wage. Survey results suggested it will be the first city to find out why it was such a bad idea.

No matter how badly we would like it to be otherwise, there are always consequences,  and 2+2 will always equal 4.

Perhaps but with the pseudo intellectual Progressives running cities such as Seattle and Boulder and our children learning Common Core math, I believe we will see more minimum wage bills passed.

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