David Harsanyi – Obama Puts The Republic Out Of Its Misery.
Modern Democrats aren’t the first political party to abuse power – far from it. Obama isn’t the first president to abuse executive power – not by a longshot. But he has to be the first president in American history to overtly and consistently argue that he’s empowered to legislate if Congress doesn’t pass the laws he favors. It’s an argument that’s been mainstreamed by partisans and cheered on by those in media desperate to find a morsel of triumph in this presidency.
Obama acknowledges his overreach openly every time he argues that he intends to do the job of an obstinate Republican congress. In his speech, Obama scolded those who question whether he has the authority to change the legal status of millions of people, offering this: “I have one answer: Pass a bill.”
David goes on to point out that Congress is under zero obligation ever, to pass a bill. Ever.
The reason that Obama can apparently get away with this abuse of power is the Democratic worldview that places Republican’s just below the Neanderthal in the evolutionary chain. This also points out how little respect they have for the common man, since the common man just gave control of Congress to the Republicans. There’s a lesson in there somewhere, I’m hoping the Democrat’s ship is totally sunk before they figure that out. With the MSM proclaiming the Obama vision at every opportunity, they should read Megan McArdle’s recent piece on journalism(GruberGate’s Insider Problem), the odds of the ship sinking seem quite high. Can the MSM jump in time? If not, Conservatives will get a 2 for 1 deal.