Vince Hirsch: County commissioners in denial or defiant? – Boulder Daily Camera.
Vince Hirsch asks if the commissioners are “in denial or defiant”. I’d say they are arrogant and stoopid. I agree 100% with his conclusion…
The only option is to restore the road and bridge fund to accommodate subdivision road repairs and maintenance. Just do your duty, commissioners — or you can shirk your legal obligation, be sued again, and wait for your replacements to clean up after you.
The trouble with Boulder County commissioners is they are all basically pawns of Plan Boulder, so from the subdivision road owners point of view, it’s “meet the new BoCo county commissar, same as the old BoCo county commissar”.
I truly hope to be pleasantly surprised and the commissioners take on this duty and handle the road paving on an aggressive 5 year timetable. My prediction, unfortunately, is substantially different. I predict…
- They will acknowledge it is their responsibility to pave the roads
- They will maintain their position that they have no funds available and by inaction (or verrry slow action), imply that all other funded project are more important than the roads. This supports their class warfare theme and their “worldview” of the priority of the subdivision roads.
- They will pave the roads, albeit very slowly, but from their point of view fast enough to avoid a lawsuit.
- BoCo FIRM will have to take legal action and get a judgement against Boulder County such that the roads get paved in a timely manner.
I freely admit I could be wrong and I truly hope to be pleasantly surprised. After all, I was wrong in my prediction that they would appeal Judge Lowenbach’s decision. The other point that works against me is that each day the county waits, the more expensive the repairs get. Since it’s part of their bottom line now, they may decide taking action sooner is better than later. Color me skeptical.
In closing, I would also like to remark on the “next step is a dialog with the property owners…” comment from Cindy Domenico
I went to the meeting at last summer at Rocky Mountain Christian Church in Niwot. I was expecting a dialog then. I came away deeply disappointed (color me naive) in the whole attitude of the meeting and most significantly by the pontificating of Dick Piland, a Niwot resident who is actively involved in Niwot’s interactions with the County and no doubt on some type of Niwot board of directors. I could google and figure it out, but it’s not worth the effort. The ONLY good thing that came out of that meeting was the notice on my windshield as I left the meeting (early) from the organization that would become BoCo FIRM.