Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th time Since 2012

Supreme Court Rules Unanimously Against Obama for 12th and 13th time Since 2012 | National Review Online.

He has a phone, a pen and the “Executive” order.

The tenure of both President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder has been marked by a dangerous push to legitimize a vast expansion of the power of the federal government that endangers the liberty and freedom of Americans. They have taken such extreme position on key issues that the Court has uncharacteristically slapped them down time and time again. Historically, the Justice Department has won about 70 percent of its cases before the high court. But in each of the last three terms, the Court has ruled against the administration a majority of the time.

So even the liberal justices on the Court, including the two justices appointed by President Barack Obama — Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor — have disagreed with the DOJ’s positions. As George Mason University law professor Ilya Somin told the Washington Times last year, “When the administration loses significant cases in unanimous decisions and cannot even hold the votes of its own appointees . . . it is an indication that they adopted such an extreme position on the scope of federal power that even generally sympathetic judges could not even support it.” (emphasis added)

He keeps trying to be King instead of President and get’s away with it far too often.

If a Republican administration had been defeated by 13 unanimous decisions in the U.S. Supreme court, not to mention in the space of 2 years, somehow I believe the MSM would be trumpeting that information on the front page and editorial page of all the Newspapers. Instead, we have to read about it in a specialty political publication.

Oh and this seems like a good time to remind everyone, Obama is an AMATEUR.

Obama the Amateur



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