Not only did Saucier get run off campus by the school president and his security team, he was also suspended and banned from the school’s property until college administration could “discuss” his supposed “harassment” with him. But rather than entertain any ideas of due process, ACC instead tried to pressure the student into “pleading guilty” to all “charges” and submitting to a mandatory professional evaluation before he could apply for readmission.
Saucier instead pushed for a formal hearing, rather than plead guilty to obviously false charges. The school allowed this but would not allow him to enter his taped conversation as evidence on his behalf. It also prohibited any recordings of the hearing itself, ensuring it could (attempt) to spin the outcome in any direction it chose to. As can be expected, the school found Saucier guilty of all charges. It did lift the suspension but put him on probation.
I get the feeling there will soon be some high level job openings at Asuntuck Community College.