Young Liberal: As Much As I Support Obamacare, I Just Can’t Afford It – Guy Benson.
Run the numbers, where do I find room for another $308/month??? I’ve been off my parents insurance for 8 years. I’ve been to the doctor less than 5 times in those years, for a total cost of under $500. It’s hard for me to justify spending almost $3800 a year on a bronze plan when that’s more than 7 times what I’ve paid over the last 8 years! And even spending that much, I’ve still got a large deductible to cover. I know I’m not getting any younger, but man, these numbers are hard to swallow, much less get excited about!
The unhappy young liberal lives in NYC but a similar if not worse situation can occur in the resort areas of Colorado. High cost of living, high cost of health coverage, but not too difficult to have an income high enough to be ineligible for a subsidy.
I read the original blog post on TPM. Typical that some of the liberals on there wanted to tell TC how to live his/her life, saying s/he made “bad decisions,” not realizing for a moment that a) they don’t know a thing about TC’s life, and b) that any decisions s/he makes is none of their eff-ing business! The irony doesn’t dawn on them that they cry bloody murder about privacy in one breath, and then in the next think they’re entitled to meddle in the life of a total stranger.