Edison Bulb Band Takes Full Effect In 2014 — Lights Out For Freedom – Investors.com.
Even government coercion cannot stop the advance of technology, and now American companies are leaking LED bulbs that don’t have the mercury problem, have a more natural light, and last longer.
They also cost more initially than an Edison bulb. Again, the decision to purchase them should be made by individual informed consumers, not as the result of government coercion.
Government does not have the right, even if it has the power, to decide what’s good for us.
It does not have the right to tell us to buy health insurance or what kind to buy, which cars to drive and what foods to eat.
Those decisions are best left to individual Americans educated on the risks and benefits but free to choose what’s best for them.
No kidding.
CFL’s are polluting garbage light bulbs. I have no doubt that LED’s will be vastly superior but they should be a voluntary purchase and compete against todays incandescent bulbs. That’s called competition and out of competition will come progress.