White House spokesman melts down over ObamaCare application lies

Video at link – White House spokesman melts down over ObamaCare application lies | Human Events.

The ends justify the means must mean it’s OK to lie all the time. Too bad the lapdog press waited to long to stand on their own 4 feet.

It would not have been difficult for Carney and Obama to honestly inform Americans that they cannot actually enroll by calling the phone number or submitting a paper application, instead presenting it as a “pre-qualification” step that could save them some time when the system is finally up and running. (That would be a debatable promise, but it wouldn’t exactly be a “lie.”) What they did say was a lie, just like Obama’s promises of preserving insurance plans were a lie, when he could have honestly delivered the information he had about the impending destruction of millions of policies, but assured his listeners it would all work out for the best in the end. Of course, he never would have gotten elected or re-elected if he had been honest, so here we are.

To reiterate something about the ObamaCrash that’s been bugging me since Blow Up On the Launch Pad Day: it’s amazing how utterly callous Obama and his team are, when it’s time to break some eggs and make their omelette. They sold themselves as hyper-sympathetic populists moved to tears by sad tales of a few uninsured individuals – a sharp contrast to Obama’s heartless opponent, Baron Mitt Vladimir Harkonnen Romney. But now they just wave off millions of people getting screwed out of their insurance policies as acceptable collateral damage, sneering down their noses at anyone who professes to care about families who have decided to pay the individual mandate tax and make do without insurance, rather than buy one of Obama’s unaffordable junk policies. The people getting blown out of the insurance market are dismissed as acceptable losses even when they greatly outnumber the people who are getting insurance for the first time under ObamaCare… which is, come to think of it, eerily reminiscent of the way Team Obama handles the declining American workforce, absurdly trumpeting the rare month that features job growth higher than population growth, while waving off the millions who drop out of the job market completely.

And they do not care at all about the thousands of man-hours of time wasted by Americans who have been fighting with the broken ObamaCare system. They think nothing of wasting even more of your time, just to give you an illusory outlet for venting your frustration before it becomes politically toxic to them. But that’s really nothing new either, is it? Ask a liberal how he feels about the gigantic amount of time and money poured into the black hole of tax compliance every year. There’s a huge dollar value attached to all that labor, but they don’t want to hear about it, because lost productivity and inconvenience for the private sector mean nothing to them. All that matters is dollars spent by the government, dollars collected by the government, and man-hours of labor from government workers.

Is anything that either the President or his administration say the TRUTH? I know I don’t believe a word that comes out of his mouth.

I don’t HAVE to CHANGE PLANS. President Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, I have a message for you:



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2 Responses to White House spokesman melts down over ObamaCare application lies

  1. Mark Miller says:

    It’s been my view that Obama got elected partly because he told people what they wanted to hear, and kept silent about what they didn’t. W. Bush was too prone to exposing his mistakes, which made people uncomfortable, and diminished their confidence in gov’t. He was also given to trying to fully explain his policies, which people found hard to follow. Obama has done the opposite. He’s kept his policy messages simple, which people have liked. Whether the policy actually meets its objectives is irrelevant. The fact that he’s “tried” and kept his explanations simple is what’s appreciated. Whether that satisfaction will continue, despite current troubles, I don’t know. I’ve given up trying to rationalize public approval for policies that look clearly flawed to me.

  2. ChrisA says:

    Obama is a good salesman. It (apparently) takes a long time for his supporters to see that the reality of the rubber meeting the road is quite different then what the salesmen sold them. Some will never get it, way too many as a matter of fact.

    It really didn’t take much investigation to determine that policies were going to be cancelled, you just had to investigate and believe the answer.

    Let’s assume that Obamacare became the law of the land but insurance companies elected not to cancel their policies. If that was the case, policies would be modified so that you had the same coverage and cost as they new plans do today. Also, if you want to get a “Advanced Premium Tax Credit”, i.e. subsidy, then the policy owner would HAVE to CANCEL the policy as the only way to receive a subisidy is to purchase your plan through the exchange/marketplace.

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