Duh, really? FLASHBACK: Obama: ‘I Actually Respect The Constitution’.
In 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) attended a fundraiser where he blasted President Bush, telling the crowd, “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.” President Obama, however, has been far less respectful of the Constitution that Senator Obama purportedly was. In fact, Obama has steadily violated a bevy of Constitutional provisions ranging from separation of powers to specific elements of the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments.
This week, Obama unilaterally decided to tell insurance companies that they could now allow sale of plans in the individual insurance market that Obamacare had prevented, forcing five million Americans off the health plans they liked. As Ken Klukowski of Breitbart News has written, this is a violation of the Constitutional separation of powers:
Rest at above link. More on the Constitutional crisis…
And Megan McArdle nails it in her Bloomberg commentary Obamacare Is Whatever Obama Says It Is in which she concludes…
It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that Obamacare is going very badly indeed, and that the president knows it is going very badly. Until sometime in late October, he was clearly still confident that, despite some setbacks and embarrassments, the system would soon be up and working, and the public would rally behind it. Now he sees his polls rapidly declining, and with them the political capital that he may need to fix any further problems that crop up. Turning the insurers into scapegoats, when he still needs their help to make this law work, was an act of desperation. How many acts does this play have left?
Yes indeed, inquiring minds do want to know, “How man acts does this play have left”.