Obamacare glitches: why they might help end government shutdown – CSMonitor.com.
The problems with the main Obamacare website – Healthcare.gov – appear to be more than just glitches
And perhaps even more ominously for the Obama administration, some consumers are discovering that their premiums are going to skyrocket, and they are threatening just to pay the penalty and “self-insure.” Young adults, too, are pushing back on the requirement to buy insurance. If enough healthy people don’t buy into the new system, leaving insurance companies with risk weighted toward unhealthy people who cannot be denied coverage, no matter the cost, the system will collapse.As those two scenarios (flawed website, unhappy consumers) have become clearer, some House Republicans have concluded that trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is no longer the best path to ending the government shutdown and lift the debt ceiling. Instead, they would be fine with changes to the tax code and entitlement reforms. And therein lies the path to a deal with President Obama.
Color me skeptical. I believe the exchange will be fixed, at least to a marginally useable level. The young invincibles and high premiums for many, that may work but color me still skeptical. I can’t imagine a roadblock that will cause this administration to surrender Obamacare.