Hard to believe: No Good Options for Obama

No Good Options for Obama by Scott Rasmussen on Creators.com – A Syndicate Of Talent.

The apparent dilemma…

So, the president is stuck with an impossible dilemma. If he tries to make the shutdown as painless as possible for the public, he loses all political leverage. If he tries to make people feel his pain, he looks like a bully. If he makes a deal with Republicans, his political base will be demoralized heading into the midterm election. If he doesn’t, and the standoff continues, calls for more permanent spending cuts will grow.

There’s more at the link.

I’m not ready to swallor Scott Rasmussen’s line of thinking but I do believe the President is walking a tight rope and the odds are fairly high he doesn’t recognize how thin the rope is. The price of arrogance.

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