Does Barack Obama Know Anything?

Does Barack Obama Know Anything?.

  • NSA spying on Angela Merkel
  • Benghazi Attack
  • IRS Scandal
  • Fast and Furious
  • Obamacare
    • Screwed up website
    • You can keep your plan
    • You can keep your doctor and the list goes on.


With all these problems coming to light the President has shown us one of two things Either he really is clueless about what is going around him, preferring to let his subordinates run things the way they want to and when things don’t work out, these same subordinates prefer to not tell him about them. Or he is the most deceptive president of the modern era, doing whatever he wants and lying to the public and not worrying about getting caught, and when he does, he just denies knowledge of what is happening

Either way, this is a problem for this country. Our allies no longer trust us, our enemies don’t fear us and our citizens no longer know who or what to believe, all of which causes a major problem.

Washington, we have a problem. Oh, and it’s a problem you can NOT solve. Only “we the people” can solve it so butt out and STFU.

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