Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year’s tornado drought?

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year’s tornado drought? | SciGuy | a blog.

This comment stands out to me:

Everything is Global Warming! More tornadoes, fewer tornadoes; colder temps, warmer temps; more snow, less snow; too much rain, drought. When you belong to the Cult of Gullible Warming you free yourself from the confines of science and thought. All you have to do is repeat everything that al-Gore says. So much easier than thinking for yourself!!!!

As I stated in a facebook post to a friend, “Global warming, what doesn’t it do?”. My friend, who can be categorized fairly safely as an intelligent Boulder liberal, didn’t get it.

John Hinderaker at PowerLine piles on, Is Climate Change Causing Unusually Mild Weather? with some additional data on hurricanes. Apparently it’s been 2,750 days since a hurricane of Cat 3 or higher strength has made landfall. That’s a record going back to 1900.


Hinderaker comments…

What is an alarmist to do? I suppose they could tell us that increasing levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are responsible for the extraordinary mildness of our current climate, but that probably wouldn’t be a successful fundraising technique.


And I would be negligent not to credit Anthony Watts over at What’s up with That.

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1 Response to Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year’s tornado drought?

  1. Mark says:

    Global warming has become like that saying that fits all occasions: “This, too, shall pass.”

    I read an article by Steven Dutch at the Univ. of Wisc.-Green Bay on global warming. He’s a believer in it, and a challenge he put to “deniers” is, “What would you put forward as a condition for falsifying the idea that human-caused global warming is not happening?” (in other words, “What would prove to you that it *is* happening?”) I would put forward the same challenge to the warmists: “What would you put forward as a condition for falsifying the idea that humans are altering the climate globally,” because it seems like nothing falls outside their theory. Though we do catch glimpses of doubt from time to time, where we hear about scientists “scratching their heads at the falling temperatures.” Those headlines don’t last long.

    I just recently heard about how some want to blame obesity as contributing to global warming. No joke! I found an article in Scientific American about it from last year. Lately I’ve been hearing rumblings from some in the scientific community saying that the heat we generate in our industrialized society is a worse problem for the climate than carbon dioxide. Just last night I watched a nature show where the paleontologist hosting it sounded a note of concern that we’re putting out more heat into the atmosphere than the Earth does through volcanic activity. People like this seem to be neglecting the heat Earth receives from the Sun. What very few seem to want to acknowledge is that we do not live in a closed energy system. The Earth releases energy into space, and it seems that the atmosphere increases the amount it releases if more is put into it.

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