Boulderites, news you can use: Earth Day: Celebrate Earth – Android Apps on Google Play.
Celebrate Earth
Earth Day is an annual celebration, that, instead of blowing up balloons and eating cake, aims to make the world in which we live a better, more sustainable place. This global event is now commemorated in more than 192 countries each year. Google Play joins the party with this collection of Apps, Music, Books, Movie, TV and Magazines that teaches and inspires us on how to go green, whether it’s conserving energy, being awed by natural wonders, composting in the big city, or listening to music that creates an ambient landscape. A reminder that downloading digital content leaves a zero carbon footprint, so feel free to indulge as we salute the planet.
Also, apparently no electrons are “used” in the stroage or digital download. I’m not quite sure how that works.