Shocker: No One Wants to Buy Student Loan-backed Securities | Via Meadia.
Are student loans turning into junk bonds? With something like $1 trillion of student loan debt outstanding, investor skittishness is not good news.
Yes. Don’t worry, the government will take care of it. Of course, there is more student loan dept because the cost of higher Ed is rising at a frightening rate.
The High Cost of Higher Education Explained in One Simple Graphic
Recently, CourseSmart, an e-textbook provider, created an infographic that lays out in simple terms the details of the college tuition explosion — and they’re truly frightening. Over the last 30 years, tuition has increased 1,120 percent; by comparison, even the “skyrocketing” cost of health care only rose 600 percent, and housing costs have gone up a paltry 375 percent.
The system is broken. Student loans are not the solution.