“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Daily Archives: January 7, 2013
It doesn’t make sense…
Neil Cavuto: “It doesn’t make sense that a party that defined itself providing opportunity for all, now gets bested by another party pushing government for all. How the heck did that happen?” Watch it.
Posted in stoopid Republicans
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Taxation: A twentysomething that’s not being “taken for a fool”
Ray Muccio: The Life and Times of an Overtaxed Nation: From the Eyes of a Twentysomething When we see special tax rates put in place for Hollywood producers—$430 million tax benefits and the ability to expense up to $15 million … Continue reading
Posted in debt and deficit, tax and spend
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Global Warming: Geez, I hate it when Pravda nails it in the first sentence
Global warming, the tool of the West For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing … Continue reading
Posted in climate change, Climategate, global warming
Spending is not a problem
via Reason Magazine (and mulitple other sources for that matter), Barack Obama: ‘We don’t have a spending problem’ At the same time, Obama’s alleged quote is unsurprising, because a vast swath of Democrats well and truly believe that spending is … Continue reading
“These premium hikes will hit young people hardest. As The New York Times reported in October…”
Of course, we’re talking Obamacare. Forbes: Obamacare Guarantees Higher Health Insurance Premiums — $3,000+ Higher Remember in 2008 when then candidate Obama said that htealth reform would “bring down premiums by $2,500 for a typical family”? Well, that first term … Continue reading
Posted in ObamaCare
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“They’re on the dole — and watching the pole.”
Welfare recipients take out cash at strip clubs, liquor stores and X-rated shops Welfare recipients took out cash at bars, liquor stores, X-rated video shops, hookah parlors and even strip clubs — where they presumably spent their taxpayer money on … Continue reading
Posted in you can't make this stuff up
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Changing blogging platforms/domain names
As you can see, if you are one of my few returning visitors, Boulder is a Stoopid Place now has it’s own domain name and the blogging platform is now WordPress instead of Blogger. There’s quite a bit of work … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
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Stoopidity on display at Meet the Press
Well a combination of journalists and politicians is bound to come up with numerous displays of stoopidity. That said, a national debt graphic that’s off by $3 trillion?
Posted in debt and deficit
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Obamacare surprises begin…
Obamacare Layoffs, Hiring Freezes Begin The Obamacare employer mandate doesn’t go into effect until January 1, 2014, but the government requires businesses to track worker schedules for three to 12 months in advance. That means many employers plan to get … Continue reading
Posted in common sense, ObamaCare
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