“Romney was not my first, second, or third choice, but I will crawl over ground glass to vote for him.”

Washington Post/Glenn Reynolds: Sunday Reflection: The ground-glass election

A lot of Republicans — and, judging from polls, a lot of independents — feel this way. If there are enough of them, Romney will win, and win big.

Are there? Well, there are some signs. I’ve written here before that politics is all about showing up. And in recent months, people on the Right have been doing a lot of showing up. They’ve showed up at Romney-Ryan events in unprecedented numbers. They made Dinesh D’Souza’s “2016: Obama’s America” a huge hit despite a virtual blackout from traditional media. They stood in line for hours at Chick-fil-A restaurants to buy chicken sandwiches in response to politicians’ bullying. They packed houses at the “Hating Breitbart” premiere.

Thankfully I didn’t encounter any ground glass…

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