“Damn” was her audible response
I recently heard a surprising story: A female CEO was briefed on a stellar candidate for a top job at her company. “Sounds ideal,” she said to the group in the room. “Male or female?” Male was the answer. “Damn” was her audible response. The guy wasn’t even interviewed. Why Are Men SilentSearch BIS
Goolag T Shirt
Men On Strike
- “This has been the coldest season with the most ice since we started Arctic Watch in 2000. Almost no whales. The NWPassage is still blocked with ice. Some of the bays still have not melted!”
Richard weber, owner/operater Arctic Watch Generation Screwed
And rather than follow the conventional path of indebting yourself for 13-years so that you can attend university for four, and then fork over the bulk of your pay to the government, instead focus on learning tangible, valuable skills overseas.Government Cheese
Boulder County Fairness in Road Maintenance (FIRM) On November 5, 2013, residents and property owners of subdivisions in unincorporated Boulder County will go to the polls to vote on 5C. A group of your fellow citizens has banded together to provide you, our neighbors, with facts and information about why you should vote NO on this tax increase. To learn more, click on the button below.-
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Daily Archives: November 6, 2012
Obama Poster Hanging in Florida Polling Station
This photo was reportedly taken by a voter inside precinct 1321-1251 at Jack L McLean Community Center in Tallahassee, FL Troubling.
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GOP headed for the political scrap heap
DeWayne Wickman: The Republicans’ last hurrah Like a dying sun, the GOP’s impending doom is masked by a final burst of energy that might keep it competitive through a couple more election cycles. But as the nation’s demographics change, the … Continue reading
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Philadelphia: Get a load of this
Funny business in Philly: GOP officials booted, Black Panthers return — and Obama at polling site? Follow link to see a wall size mural of Obama at a Philadelphia polling location. By location, I mean voting booths are right by … Continue reading
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The future of Obamacare
IBD: Tuesday Is The Last Chance To Stop ObamaCare Tuesday’s decision is about many things, but none may be more important than stopping ObamaCare from wrecking the greatest health care system in the world. Despite repeated promises that the more … Continue reading
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“And thus the Obama campaign comes full circle: from tepid open to lukewarm close in Ohio.”
Obama Ends Campaign in Half-Empty Arena President Obama’s big rally tonight turned out to be just like his first, opening salvo of the 2012 campaign: a half-empty arena in Ohio. According to RealClearPolitics’ Scott Conroy, there were “empty seats scattered … Continue reading
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“Four years ago, Obama won $150k-plus earners by two points, because he won $200k+ voters by 6 points, according to exit polls.”
Timothy Carney: Who’s the candidate of the rich? It’s not even close. Democrats will always call Republicans the party of the rich. The media will always believe it. The facts generally tell a different story. News you can use.
Posted in everything Obama, news you can use
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Hi. I’m Sarah A. Hoyt. Pretend I’m bothering you from a call center.
OK! The text at the link is not a transcript of the audio although it is a general outline. Listening is highly recommended.
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Election Integrity Issues?
Call the Election Integrity Hotline at 855-444-6100
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