AC-130U Gunship was On-Scene in Benghazi, Obama Admin Refused to Let It Fire
… and from Fox News: EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say
According to sources on the ground during the attack, the special operator on the roof of the CIA annex had visual contact and a laser pointing at the Libyan mortar team that was targeting the CIA annex. The operators were calling in coordinates of where the Libyan forces were firing from.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday that there was not a clear enough picture of what was occurring on the ground in Benghazi to send help.
“There’s a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking going on here,” Panetta said Thursday. “But the basic principle here … is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way without knowing what’s going on.”
Hopefully a number of people, including Leon Panetta, President Obama and Hillary Clinton will be Monday morning quarterbacked out of a job.
Reader comment over at Instapundit. Worth the click.
Added. More from Panetta.