“Probably something to do with massive unemployment and overhanging debt. Just at a guess.”

Glenn Reynolds commenting on Young voters cool on Obama.

Just wait until they see their premiums under Obamacare. And they complain about health insurance being expensive now, all the while doing the smart phone gig.

In Wisconsin, Gruber reported that people purchasing insurance for themselves on the individual market would see, on average, premium increases of 30 percent by 2016, relative to what would have happened in the absence of Obamacare. In Minnesota, the law would increase premiums by 29 percent over the same period. Colorado was the least worst off, with premiums under the law rising by only 19 percent.

Why the lower increase in Colorado? My educated guess is because Colorado has already implemented many Obamacare mandates, including maternity coverage so their base rates are already much higher than a state like Wisconsin. Young people notice this!

Then there’s Community rating…

Many of the people who go uninsured are young people. The young are just entering the work force, and therefore typically have below-average incomes. In addition, the young are healthy, and have much less use for expensive health insurance.

Obamacare forces insurers to charge their eldest beneficiaries no more than 3 times what they charge their youngest ones: a policy known as “community rating.” This, despite the fact that these older beneficiaries typically have six times the health expenditures that younger people face. The net effect of this “community rating” provision is the redistribution of insurance costs from the old to the young. (cmphassis added – Ed)

 Wow, no surprise there’s a definite lack of enthusiasm with regards to Obamacare and the politicians who brought it to us.

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