Narcissism: Barack Obama

From Wikipedia, Narcissism:  …”narcissism” usually is used to describe some kind of problem in a person or group’s relationships with self and others. In everyday speech, “narcissism” often means egoism, vanity, conceit, or simple selfishness

Narcism: ‘I,’ ‘Me’—Obama Uses First-Person Pronoun 117 Times in 1 Speech

I’m assuming this is using a teleprompter, which tells me that:

  • The President doesn’t see any issue with using “I” and “Me” repetitively in a speec
  • Neither do his handlers and/or speechwriters

Seriously, to me the obvious implication is that President Obama has surrounded himself with minions who are at least as narcisstic as he is, if not more.

It bothers me because I have this same problem. Many e-mails I write have too many “I’s” and “Me’s” in them. YET, without ANYONE telling me, at least directly that there was an issue, I figured it out on my own. Every e-mail I send is screened for an overabundance of “I’s” and “Me’s”. Yet Barack Obama and his minion handlers have a blind spot where they can not see this as a problem. As you can see, this paragraph most likely has too many “I’s” in it.  😉

Of course, it’s not like Romney is a saint in this regard either…

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney also frequently used the first-person pronoun in his most recent speech that has been posted in its entirety on C-SPAN. Speaking in Salem, Va., on Jun 26, Romney used the first-person pronouns “I” and “me” a combined 55 times in a speech that lasted about 18 minutes and 13 seconds.

News to candidates, it’s not all about you.

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