Althouse: A physician’s epiphany:

The physician concludes

Instead of a professional, I am an employee.
Instead of a citizen, I am a serf.
And the serf game is an easy one; its rules are old and easily learned. Bow and scrape, basically. Get yours.

Read the whole thing.

I’ve got to start practicing.

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1 Response to Althouse: A physician’s epiphany:

  1. Mark Miller says:

    I think waking up is a good thing. At least now we have a little better idea of who the enemy is. The best I think we can do is screw them up as much as possible. Unfortunately if we do that, we're not invulnerable ourselves. Their loss will cause pain for many of us, as we're connected into their systems. I'd rather we do that, though, than just accept being serfs for long.

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