T Boone Pickens warning to Boulder

“I’m in the wind business … I’ve lost my ass in the business.”

Host Joe Scarborough said laughing, “You’ve invested more in alternative energy than anybody else.”

“Exactly,” replied Pickens. “My issue is not political. I mean, this is an opportunity for America to advance, get on the back of cheap energy and recover your economy. It can be done, but we have no plan.”

Pickens continued, “Obama needs to go in, study it, look at it, and decide what an energy plan is, and then go forward with it. He needs to explain to his people, ‘Hey, we can get on everything green. We can get on everything renewable. Then the cost of power will go up ten times.’ So be careful when you start fooling with it. Know what you’re working with.”

Boulderites, be careful who you follow to the promised land. It might be awfully expensive. Keep in mind that too many on City Council and the Boulder Daily Camera editorial page, no cost is too high.

Video and analysis by Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air.

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