Monthly Archives: April 2012

Barack Obama Contribution: AVS System Day 1

Not activated.

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Colorado on-line sales tax dead

Federal court tosses Colorado’s Amazon tax The companies had to notify Colorado customers in writing that they owed sales tax, keep a list of the total amounts purchased by Colorado customers and then give those to customers and the state … Continue reading

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You want heat with that?

That would be your electric car. While heat is a natural byproduct of a combustion engine, that turns out not to be the case for an electric vehicle.

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Bummer Boulderites, no Walmart nearby

Democrats boycott Coke, Walmart over voter ID laws Really? Really?? Well, that must be a bummer for Boulderites as their enlightened City Council has protected them from the evils of Walmart. I guess that leaves boycotting coke… go for it.

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President Obama’s energy policy – Coming soon to a ctiy near you!

This debacle proves to be the epitome of President Obama’s energy policy—give preference to financially unsustainable, politically connected green energy companies over proven, revenue generating sources of energy. Sadly, as these green energy companies go bankrupt at the expense of … Continue reading

Posted in alt energy, Boulder is stoopid, enviro wackos | Leave a comment

John Hinderaker: Sets up the “Illegal Donation” Obama campaign web site

As you can imagine, it’s no longer there, but here’s a screen shot and you can read about it over at Powerline. John concludes… It is inconceivable that the Obama campaign disables all credit card security measures (unlike every other … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, everything Obama, Obama is stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Scott Johnson: The Obama campaign even went the extra mile to raise campaign funds by failing to adopt standard protections against fraudulent and illegal giving.

Ed note – I’ve sat on this a few days, first because I wanted to see Adrian Murray’s Facebook posting and then because I’ve been on vacation and traveling. Of course during that time it’s pretty much gone viral, except … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, everything Obama, legacy media, Obama is stoopid, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

City of Longmont, thanks for stopping by!

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Niwot High School Diversity Day

Michael Brown uncovers Niwot HS Diversity Day. Inquiring minds want to know why are they hiding their agenda from the students parents and guardians? Follow the link for the above agenda. Michael concludes: This entire Diversity Day strikes me as … Continue reading

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“With 98 percent of the world’s oil reserves in the hands of other countries…”

Such a statement should prevent this editorial being published in any creditable newspaper. Only Barack Obama and his minions are stoopid enough to believe this idiocy. Of course, the editorial staff of the Boulder Daily Camera do qualify as Obama … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, energy, legacy media | Leave a comment

Glenn Reynolds: It’s as if they’re pushing a predetermined narrative regardless of the evidence or something.

Or something. commenting on NBC news editing of the Zimmerman 911 call. Another one of the MSM’s many shining moments. Remind me why we pay these guys?

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