It’s not too late to Stock Up

Home Depot in Longmont also has 100w incandescent light bulbs on display. Can’t miss them as you walk in the store.

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4 Responses to It’s not too late to Stock Up

  1. SBVOR says:

    As of yesterday (1/9/2012) my local WalMart is still selling 100W incandescent bulbs. Allowed to sell off preexisting inventory? I dunno.

  2. ChrisA says:

    I suspect they are allowed to sell off inventory and there are no $$'s to enforce the law.

    I wonder how hard it would be to get the equipment and make incandescent light bulbs in one's own basement?

  3. SBVOR says:

    Bootleg bulbs!
    Will the “revenuers” be hot on the trail?

    On a more serious note…
    Incandescent bulbs were, prior to this nonsense, affordably manufactured in the USA. CFLs come almost exclusively from China. So, say goodbye to more USA jobs:

  4. ChrisA says:

    You think I'm not serious? Perhaps I can attract some offshore venture capital.

    Will the “revenuers” be hot on the trail. Easy to beleive.

    Hey, no lightbub manufacturing, no keystone oil pipeline = no new jobs.

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