Monthly Archives: December 2011

Faith in Government

But here’s the curious thing: While whipping up fear about mercury in the outdoors, the EPA is actively downplaying mercury’s health risks when it comes out of fluorescent bulbs inside people’s homes. The explanation of this apparent hypocrisy? What both … Continue reading

Posted in enviro wackos, stoopid government, stoopid progressives, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Once in a lifetime experience….

and the non-sarcastic version of the “you can’t make this stuff up” label! h/t to Althouse.

Posted in amazing, the weekend | Leave a comment

“When liberals attack liberals! What to look for: 1. They’ll call each other conservatives. 2. Race card. 3. Lawsuit!” – Althouse

Ann Althouse: Madison school board voes down charter school designed to lift up poor minority kids.

Posted in Education, the weekend | Leave a comment

New book “Everything Obama Knows About the Economy”….

… is completely blank.Work of absolute genius.

Posted in everything Obama, the weekend | Leave a comment

Price Discovery #1: Torn biceps tendon

A few years ago my wife felt a pain in her shoulder/bicep while moving the Christmas Tree. At the time, we didn’t think much of it. However, the pain didn’t improve and months later she saw a specialist. The suspicion … Continue reading

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Aren’t Republicans supposed to be pro-business?

When being pro-market is different.

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Medical Costs: Lessons in price discovery

If you want to control medical costs, you have two choices, price discovery or government regulation. I have some personal experience in price discovery and I’ll be posting about in the next day or two. Frankly, you might be able … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

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Obama: Hypocrisy in action

GlennReynolds:As I keep saying, I don’t want to hear one more goddamn thing about my carbon footprint.            and Worries about spending and carbon footprints are for the little people. and I might add, the psuedo intellectual progressives (an oxymoran … Continue reading

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Good news!

No, not the incandescent light bulbs. AP-GfK Poll: More than half say Obama should lose On health care reform… The poll found unpopularity for last year’s health care reform bill, one of Obama’s major accomplishments. About half of the respondents … Continue reading

Posted in everything Obama, health insurance | Leave a comment


Let there be Edison light.

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Culture of Entitlement

Through the eyes of a Walmart cashier. …I’m not against temporary aid helping those who truly need it. What I saw at Wal-Mart, however, was not temporary aid. I witnessed generations of families all relying on the state to buy … Continue reading

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, entitlement, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Once again Boulder not well represented

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Glenn Reynolds: It’s still not too late to stock up. But it will be soon.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, idiocy | Leave a comment

American’s love big government

Earth to Boulderites… NOT! An overwhelming 64 percent of people surveyed said big government was the biggest threat to the country, compared to just 26 percent who said big business is their gravest concern and 8 percent who picked big … Continue reading

Posted in big government, Boulder is stoopid, stoopid Democrats, stoopid government | Leave a comment

A history lessons on the failure of Capitalism

“Free markets don’t work, never have”.

Posted in Boulder is stoopid, decline of the west, the weekend | Leave a comment


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“It was not our intention to create an image resembling the attacks,” the designers insist, “nor did we see the resemblance during the design process.”

The Dutch designers must think the American public is as stoopid as Eric Holder thinks we are. In other words, we’re pretty damn stoopid.

Posted in the weekendyou can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment

Holder Suggests ‘Fast and Furious’ Guns Will Be Used in Crimes for ‘Years to Come’

Is Eric Holder genius material or what? … and it gets better Holder, in testimony on Capitol Hill that comes as the congressional investigation into the program expands, decried the “gun-walking” tactic used in the operation as “inexcusable” and “wholly … Continue reading

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Holder: “Nobody at the DOJ has lied”

How stoopid does he think we are? Yes and more. Comments make for interesting reading. I wonder if arrogrant crap like this has anything to do with the Democrats losing registered voters (yes I know the Republican’s are losing too, … Continue reading

Posted in arrogance, stoopid Democrats | Leave a comment