Here’s what happens when you allow adverse selection

From a health insurance website:

Next to my gym there is a taco wagon. It has been there for years. I know the owner.
He knows I sell health ins.
Late last summer he tells me he needs a knee replacement.
He asks me what he should do?
I tell him about PCIP.
His daughter gets him enrolled for 9.01.11.
He has the surgery done in Sept and only pays the Sept premium. Cx’d 9.30.11.
I now get free burritos

PCIP: Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan

Sweet, unfortunately my daughters ulcerative colitis, or what remains of it, doesn’t allow me to drop health insurance. At least I paid my effing monthly premiums to get the insurance company “on the hook”.

Perfect logic courtesy of the government. Mr Taco Stand Owner gets coverage for ONE month to pay for a knee replacement. I’d at least keep it for the 2nd month to make sure it got paid.

If your healthy or not particularly sick and haven’t had coverage for 6 months, why should you get insurance? If your timing is great you can get coverage in 15 days, if it sucks you can get coverage in 45. Roll the dice.

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