Glenn Reynolds: Traffic laws are for little people

Public employee union defends Denver cop who was fired for driving drunk at 143 mph

Ed Morrissey:

This is so patently absurd that I barely know what to say about it. Is it a union’s job to protect its members from ever bearing the consequences of poor behavior? Apparently so, as not even breaking the law seems to qualify as grounds for the dismissal of a public employee union member. (Consider, too, that the man in question was himself a police officer, whose very job is to uphold the law.) The union mentality seems to be: Members should be able to be not only lazy or ineffective but even negligent and irresponsible and still keep their jobs. The worst part: Just as was the case before he was fired, if Saunders is reinstated, it’ll be taxpayers who pay his salary.

This kind of nonsense helps to explain why unions are on the cusp of losing all credibility.

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