Better Hurry: Incandescent lights

Get your 100 watt incandescent bulbs while you still can.
From the comments

Every time the do-gooder nanny state shoves something down our throat “for our own good,” you can bet it’ll be found later that it wasn’t safer/better after all. If it were better, safer, or more economical, it wouldn’t be necessary to legislate its competition out of business.

The same people who are telling us today that fluorescent light bulbs are going to save Mother Gaia are the very ones who have been warning us about the dreadful dangers from the “mercury” in vaccines, the mercury in seafood, and the mercury amalgam in dental fillings. When these dense folk find out that breaking one of these things by accident will make their home the site of a minor mercury spill, you can expect a panic/anti-fluorescent backlash. Perhaps you’ll even be able to make a profit on your stock of these lovely, reliable Sylvania bulbs.

Personally, I’m less worried about potential mercury poisoning than about a potential uptick in suicides brought about by the deathly green pallor of curly-bulb lights. But me, I’ll be basking in my warm incandescent glow, having stocked up on these while I had the chance.

(emphasis and color added)

Some of the other comments make for entertaining reading as well.

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