Daily Archives: December 4, 2011

Yes, all we need to free ourselves from the last 5 Year Plan is another 5 Year Plan. Not.

Why “too big to fail” means “wait for it” Thus every bailout and rescue made in the name of preventing the demise of something deemed “too big to fail” builds up a head of steam until the point is reached … Continue reading

Posted in stoopid government | Leave a comment

Oh, this problem is much bigger than South Carolina

COLUMBIA Many South Carolina public colleges and universities are excessively expensive and have strayed too far from their core mission: educating students, according to a recent study by a Columbia-based think tank. Tuition is rising faster than household income in … Continue reading

Posted in Education, inflation | Leave a comment

#OccupyFail: Beam me up

Some Occupy L.A. arrestees feel traumatized, might seek therapy Sometimes reality sucks. Deal with it.

Posted in #OCCUPYFAIL, arrogance, entitlement, you can't make this stuff up | Leave a comment