#OCCUPYFAIL: What a swell bunch of folks

“She and her employees are terrified by the constant threats, which she said began after she demanded the protesters stop using her shop’s restroom as a place to bathe every day. The final straw came about two weeks ago, when the demonstrators broke a bathroom sink, flooding the shop, and clogged the toilet — setting her back $3,000 in damages.”

What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine.

More here including the message Michael Bloomburg and other Progressive Mayors are sending to businesses…

Our progressive mayors may think themselves reasonable when they turn a blind eye to the public disorders that have characterized the Occupy movement. In fact, they are sending a signal that imperils the urban development they so profess to love. For the message they are sending to business is this: When the crazies come for you, you’re on your own.

(emphasis added-Ed)
Hmmm, sounds like something that would happen in Boulder if the Occupy movement had more energy here.

Which brings us back to this recent post, “I just racked it and they ran“. I feel more comfortable knowing that our local paper supports gun rights.

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