jobs lose every time under this Administration

When there is a conflict between jobs and public employee unions, or a conflict between jobs and the environmentalist lobby, jobs lose every time under this Administration; and that is the case even when the infrastructure around the jobs already exists, as in the Gulf. It’s the case even when the law is on the side of the workers, as in the Gulf.
How this President can claim that he’s interested in job-creation, or even job-maintenance, is simply beyond me.

The Gulf Permitoriam, and Obama’s Disregard for the Law

How so many people, especially liberals and progressives, can applaud this approach is beyond me. Of course, it’s easy to understand the City of Boulder supporting such strategy at any time. They need energy prices to skyrocket such that the green energy solutoins they propose an be viewed as close to competitive. Perhaps the City council and green energy supporters of municipalization should read about the 14,000 abandoned windmills.
Of course, the truth is that no cost is to high for the true zealots supporting municipalization.

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