Boomers: The Big Picture not a pretty One.

Walter Russell Mead: Listen Up, Boomers: The Backlash Has Begun

All of this was done by a generation that never lost its confidence that it was smarter, better educated and more idealistic than its Depression-surviving, World War-winning, segregation-ending, prosperity-building parents. We didn’t need their stinking faith, their stinking morals, or their pathetically conformist codes of moral behavior. We were better than that; after all, we grokked Jefferson Airplane, achieved nirvana on LSD and had a spiritual wealth and sensitivity that our boorish bourgeois forbears could not grasp. They might be doers, builders and achievers — but we Boomers grooved, man, we had sex in the park, we grew our hair long, and we listened to sexy musical lyrics about drugs that those pathetic old losers could not even understand.

h/t to Instapundit.

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1 Response to Boomers: The Big Picture not a pretty One.

  1. SBVOR says:

    1) In the cited article, 31 year old Thomas L. Day is quoted to say:

    “Our parents’ generation has balked at the tough decisions required to preserve our country’s sacred entitlements”

    Sacred entitlements? Please!

    Entitlements and the entitlement mentality are precisely what are killing us.

    2) I'm no fan of the baby boomer culture, but…

    A) It was not the boomers who — in 1964 — elected the politicians who — in 1965 — would pass Medicare and Medicaid into law.

    B) If 31 year old Thomas L. Day views these entitlements as “sacred”, then he is as much to blame as the WWII generation which created these pernicious entitlements.

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