Daily Archives: November 14, 2011

Justin Timberlake: Marine Corps Ball “changed my life”

My first thought is that the article was a joke. Not so. The GQ favorite has always been a vocal supporter of the armed forces — but his glimpse into the camaraderie and closeness of the Marine Corps taught him … Continue reading

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Boomers: The Big Picture not a pretty One.

Walter Russell Mead: Listen Up, Boomers: The Backlash Has Begun All of this was done by a generation that never lost its confidence that it was smarter, better educated and more idealistic than its Depression-surviving, World War-winning, segregation-ending, prosperity-building parents. … Continue reading

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Individual Mandate: Obama was against it before he supported it

That was the 2008 Obama. Who knew?

Posted in ObamaCare | Leave a comment

Glenn Reynolds: But Solyndra isn’t just a case of bad judgment. But it’s green energy so almost any amount of poor judgment and cronyism is “OK”.

Posted in alt energy, Boulder is stoopid, Obama is stoopid | Leave a comment